Tuesday 27 May 2008

Gospel of Judas

what is the truth?
who has the original words?

"But you will exceed all of them. For you will sacrifice the man that clothes me." -- Gospel of Judas

was Judas instructed to act on behalf of Jesus to sacrifice the man that clothed Jesus so that Jesus could fulfill his destiny?
was resurrection of the body important?
or what matters was for the body to die so that the spirit would live on forever?

should Athanasius have the authority to choose 27 books in forming the New Testament and hence determined what we should believe?

who has the original words?
what is the truth?

Sunday 25 May 2008



Event: 雅文化,俗文化 - 文化論壇

Saturday 24 May 2008

wonders of life

uncertainty the nature of life
which makes one insecure
out of insecurity
there is freedom
with freedom
comes the seed of possibility
which matures into wonders
throbbing between
the space of two thoughts

Thursday 22 May 2008

many colours, one home

Here In My Home

Multi-artistes racial unity song & video project produced by Pete Teo and directed by Yasmin Ahmad and Ho Yuhang. Artistes involved includes Ning Baizura, Awie, Afdlin Shauki, Jaclyn Victor, Suki and many more.

On 9 March 2008, many Malaysians woke up and found that it was a wonderful day. After 50 years of independence, finally we smelt the fresh air in the new political landscape here in Malaysia, we have, after years of struggling, started to see the possibility of walking out from race-based politics, and started to step forth towards a dream - a dream that we are the Rakyat, we are Malaysians, a dream where we are no longer judged according to colour and creed, but the content of our characters.

It took US two hundred years for the cry to be heard, it was less than 50 years ago when Martin Luther King Jr put aside his life to stand forth for the self-evident truth, that all men are created equal. For Malaysia to be a developed country, this is the direction we should go, that here we have many colours, many cultures, many religions, many languages, many types of food, it is a beautiful symphony of ethnic diversity, a colourful ethnosphere that we the Rakyat should cherish.

Thursday 15 May 2008


輕輕的 我慢慢感受着

Location: Quetta, Pakistan

Wednesday 14 May 2008


突然你頭歪了歪, 問道
我楞了一楞, 應道

就這樣 走走跑跑了

Location: Tehran, Iran

Tuesday 13 May 2008


tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, damn tired, fucking tired.............................#*%@*

I think I feel much better now.


my ignorance
my indecision
my inaction

which way should I go? I don't know. may be I should just sit down here.

Monday 12 May 2008

the moment I lost in the abyss of your blue eyes

I won't see you again
I know

but you are

all in my heart
all in my soul
all in my life

where on earth are you
I don't know

but I feel you

all in my heart
all in my soul
all in my life

Sunday 11 May 2008


聽你 是解惑
看你 是開拓
把我的世界 拉 闊

Event: Cultural Forum. Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Plenary Theatre, 3rd Floor. Date: 25 May 2008. Time: 12:00 - 18:00


stains of ink
locked dead in papers

sun under the warmth of eyesight
to life they come

dancing with meaning, questions, confusion
dancing, jumping,
jumping, dancing,
jumping, jumping,

into your heart
whenever there is an opening

and merge themselves
becoming part of you

breathing with life
thinking, acting, searching
for another pile of deadlocked ink

calling them to life
dancing, jumping,
jumping, dancing,
jumping, jumping
jumping into life.

Saturday 10 May 2008

one night in hunza

it was a freezing night
engulfed by vast silences
on the empty rooftop I slept
with a blanket of
nine thousand two hundred and twenty seven stars

Location: Pakistan. Hunza valley. Karimabad. Haider Inn.

Friday 9 May 2008







